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De'Longhi 30L AriaDry Compact Dehumidifier

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Our Price:$ 499.00

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De'Longhi 30L AriaDry Compact Dehumidifier
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Brand: DeLonghi


When selected, the appliance will operate at its maximum power, increasing its dehumidifying capacity resulting in dry clothes, fast.


Select the desired humidity level, programme to switch on and off and set the desired power settings.


Featuring a PTC Heating Element, this technology adds heat to the process, improving the efficiency and increasing the dehumidifying capacity of the unit.

Dehumidifier Details

General specifications

Some notions on humidity

Air always contains a certain quantity of water in the form ofvapour; this determines the degree of humidity in a room.The capacity of air to contain water vapour increases as itstemperature increases. This is why in our homes, as soon as the temperature drops,the air releases the water vapour contained in it, turning intocondensation, which appears on all cold surfaces such as windows, walls etc.

The dehumidifier is an electric appliance that extracts humidity from the air, avoiding the damage that it causes.Studies have established that the ideal conditions for ourhealth and home are achieved when relative humidity isbetween 40% and 60%.

With very low temperatures, you are recommended to heatthe room even minimally. This will increase the dehumidifying capacity of the appliance considerably. This is the onlyway, in fact, to allow the condensation that forms on the windows and other cold surfaces to evaporate into the air and becollected by the dehumidifier.

The Extra Power mode included in this model makes it easierto raise the temperature. The air released by the dehumidifieris, however, generally warmer than the air in the room.

Video for Delonghi 30L AriaDry Compact Dehumidifier

How to set up your DeLonghi dehumidifier